Senin, 18 Januari 2010


again I just write a note of useless!! But I really want to regurgitate what's in this brain clean, and fresh out again. Hehehe. (very not connect mel). I am start writing this at 23:15 pm. It really was not able to sleep. At this hour, I start with all of the IBU.


Mom. Mom .. Mom ... Mom .... Mom ..... Mom ...... Mom ....... Mom ........
I called my mother's name in the silence of the night with a low tone to shout it regrets with what I have done to someone who we often call MOM, MAMA, MOTHER, MAMI, NYAK, MAK, MBOK and others. All means the same, she is a woman who had conceived us for 9 months and gave birth to us with his life he was.

Honestly answer these questions in your heart. Did you ever lie to you? or even often?. Did you ever Refutes Mom?. Did you ever say the word that should not come out of our lips to my mother. Have you ever slammed your bedroom door because she did not obey us?. Did you ever give oath that is not good for you?. Did you ever nagging at the back of my mother?. No doubt you've done it all. You bet your mother never scold your own. If not, it is surely only a few people like that.

Mother, could I ask my friends my facebook "To you, my mother was what and who?". Their answers really vary. Almost all had similar, although nearly all said the MOM IS MY HERO, MOM IS EVERYTHING. Try you call your mother's name in your heart sincerely and regret all what you do to him and missed him affection!. Surely you cry to imagine things like that.

Time to think how the mother if no then?? T_T I was really scared like that. Mother is my life, blood is flowing in my blood mother, the mother is heaven on earth, the mother is an angel who is always with me, my mother is the soul, the mother is a member of my body, the mother is a flower in my heart. Unimaginable what would I when there was no mother who is always annoying. Mother of always scolded me when I was wrong. I really do not know how later. No more laughter with our mothers, no more joking with our mothers, no more loyalty to him, no more prayers he is always there at our side. No more voice of the mother who always chant the holy verses of the Qur'aan as the late afternoon. I could not imagine it all. I want a happy mother.

Mom not only good her children. Mom also always pray grandson, child from children. Mom always pray dad earning for families. Mom are heroes in Household. Especially for Single-Parents. They really great. Never complained though only caring children who not rarely fussy.

Mother, thank you I have given birth to bet your life. Thank you, you have put me in the stomach to 9 months with a stomach really strange. endless thank you, you have to give your smile every morning for me. thank you been there for me when I learn. Thank you, you have given your prayers for my success. thanks for the endless patience.


3 komentar:

Rory Mhd mengatakan...

If by my life or death i can protect her, i will..

Khozien Dipo mengatakan...

Aku suka,,
si Jelita Cerewet asal Sidoarjo ini semakin rajin menulis dan semakin kritis...


Amalia Hasanah mengatakan...

@ Rory :
Semoga! Amin

@ Mas Khozien :
Ahahaha! ketahuan gak baca dulu! asemm!

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